
Updated to WordPress 2.7 & The iNova Theme

I have freshened things up around here and switched over to the iNova theme for WordPress. My old K2 theme has not seen a lot of development lately and I like the clean layout of iNova.

I also upgraded to WordPress 2.7 and love it!  They have made some great improvements to the usability but the best feature by far is the auto-update functionality!  I was using TypePad for some corporate blogs because updating WordPress was always a pain. Now that updates can happen in the background I highly recommend WordPress for all your blogging needs!

7 replies on “Updated to WordPress 2.7 & The iNova Theme”

Like the iNova. I’m using it also. I’ve been trying to figure out the code to add the linked in and twitter boxes the way you have them. Would you mind sharing them with me?

I am having validation troubles with inova using text widget and youtube. I noticed errors on this site in same area also.

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